Emerging Trends in Early Childhood Education




Practitioners (teachers, trainee teachers, support staff, early years practitioners) strive for best practice and the chapters in this publication offer some insights into what is considered emerging trends in early childhood, whether it is through play and interaction with manipulatives and ‘areas’ in the classroom, developing language acquisition, examining how children interact with their ‘spaces’ or how cultural and social capital might support successful trajectories. Practitioners are reflective, learn from each other, learn from best practice, and aim to have an impact and make a positive difference to the development of children in the short time they have with them. The chapters included in this publication aim to open discussion and debate around emerging trends in early childhood education considering, examining, and questioning what is felt to be best practice to support children’s developmental growth, academically, morally, physically, socially and emotionally.

Chapters have been written by a range of experts and from an international perspective and consider how practitioners can continually develop their practice, and support the holistic growth of children offering positive environments and wrap around support.


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